All of the sponsorship dollars raised this year will
go to FORe – Friends of Richter Park, which was established for the purpose of
raising funds for the implementation of the Richter Park Master Plan and to
support its activities and programs.
Title Sponsor - $3,000
Recognition on all marketing materials, registration
forms, and brochures, as well as four single golfer entries for entire 2-day
driving range Sponsor - $1,000
Recognition at the driving range, used for player
warm-up, both mornings, as well as one golfer entry for Saturday and
Sunday competition
Hospitality Sponsor - $750 (4)
Recognition at tented area, either on 5th
or 15th hole, with drinks and snacks for players as well as one
golfer entry for Saturday and Sunday competition
Golf Cart Sponsor - $750
Recognition on golf carts used for the 2-day event, as
well as one golfer entry for
Saturday and
Sunday competition
Spectator Sponsor - $750 (18th hole only)
Recognition on seated area, including pin flag, with a
great view of the competition on the 18th hole!
Web Page Sponsor - $500
Recognition on all pages of a website set up
specifically for Danbury Amateur
Pin Flag Sponsor - $200
Recognition of company’s name on a pin flag (and logo
in electronic media)
Recognition of company’s
name on a tee sign
of all sponsorships include: recognition on all e-mail blasts, websites,
score boards and publications – please send your logo with sponsorship!
The Danbury Amateur
draws players and spectators throughout Fairfield County,
Connecticut, and even as far as Texas and Ohio.
Have your name seen by thousands over the 2-day event!
To INQUIRE aBOUT A sponsorship, please contact
Karen Madaus, Business
Manager, at 203-792-2550 x 100 |